7th - How-To Purchase a TechAuthority Subscription - Aftermarket

For Aftermarket Users ONLY

Aftermarket Setup Process:

For a video version of the Aftermarket wiTECH 2.0 Setup Process, please see Video - How To Setup wiTECH 2.0 For Aftermarket Users .

1st - Getting Started with wiTECH 2.0 - Aftermarket 
2nd - a - How-To Purchase a Vehicle Communications Interface (VCI) device - Aftermarket 
2nd - b - How-To Register a Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) Device to Your Account - Aftermarket 
2nd - c - Registering a J2534 Device - Aftermarket 
3rd - How-To Purchase and Assign a wiTECH 2.0 Subscription and Assign Users - Aftermarket 
4th - How-To Setup Okta MFA for New Users - Aftermarket. 
5th - How-To Setup Your Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) Device - Aftermarket 
6th - How-To Configure Wireless on a Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) Device - Aftermarket 
7th - How-To Purchase a TechAuthority Subscription - Aftermarket (this article)

6th - How-To Purchase a TechAuthority Subscription - Aftermarket

This article demonstrates the steps required to purchase a TechAuthority subscription. TechAuthority grants the user access to service information in Service Library and is required for some functionality of the wiTECH 2.0 application.
NOTE: TechAuthority subscriptions cannot be shared between users. Each wiTECH 2.0 user needing access to TechAuthority is required to have a separate subscription.

How-To Purchase a TechAuthority Subscription

  1. Go to the Mopar Technical Service Portal website at: https://mopartsp.com/
  2. Select "AFTERMARKET"
    1. If you don’t already have a Mopar Technical Service Portal account, select the link to “Register” and complete the registration process.
      NOTE: To be able to assign TechAuthority subscriptions to existing wiTECH users, be sure to Login using the same email address as the wiTECH Mopar Technical Service Portal Account owner.

  3. Enter your login credentials and select “LOGIN”.
  4. If required, complete the 2 Step challenge, and select “CONFIRM”.

  5. Select “PURCHASE” from the left menu.

  6. Select “TECH AUTHORITY SUBSCRIPTIONS” from the top menu.

  7. 3-Day, 30-Day, or 1-Year TechAuthority subscriptions are available. Select the desired subscription and select “ADD TO CART” or “BUY NOW”. (This article will complete the process using “BUY NOW”.)

  8. Select an existing credit card or complete the steps to add a new credit card.

  9. Fill out all required fields and scroll to the bottom of the page and select “PLACE ORDER”.

  10. The ORDER SUCCESSFUL prompt displays. Select “CLOSE”.
    NOTE: The process is not complete after the order is purchased. The purchased TechAuthority subscription must be assigned to a user. Continue to the next steps to assign the purchased TechAuthority subscription to a user.

  11. Select “DASHBOARD” from the left menu.

  12. Select “TECH AUTHORITY SUBSCRIPTIONS” from the top menu.

  13. Select the purchased TechAuthority subscription from the subscription table on the left, then select a user from the “Select a User” dropdown on the right, then select the “ASSIGN” button.
    NOTE: The TechAuthority subscription is active when assigned to a user and the expiration timer starts at when the subscription is assigned to a user.

  14. In the subscription table on the left, verify the subscription is Active and assigned to a user.

  15. The TechAuthority subscription can now be used in wiTECH 2.0 by the assigned user.
    NOTE: TechAuthority subscriptions cannot be shared between users. Each wiTECH 2.0 user needing access to TechAuthority is required to have a separate subscription.
    NOTE: The assigned wiTECH user will automatically have access to TechAuthority Services in wiTECH until the subscription expires. The user will not have to login to TechAuthority within wiTECH.
  16. To access TechAuthority service information in Service Library, navigate to https://stellantisiop.com/ and if necessary, register a new account using the same email address as used to login to the wiTECH 2.0 Okta page (https://fcawitech.okta.com). After completing the registration process, login to the stellantisiop.com site.

  17. Select the brand.

  18. Ensure “Service Information” is selected in the top menu, then the “Launch” button on the bottom of the Service Information page.

  19. The user is logged into Service Library and has access to TechAuthority service information.

NOTE: If your TechAuthority email address does not match your wiTECH 2.0 Okta email address, please contact wiTECH Support at aftermarket.witech2@witechtools.com .

Article Number: 646
Posted: Tue, Apr 11, 2017
Last Updated: Wed, Apr 17, 2024
Posted: Chris Ordner

Online URL: https://kb.fcawitech.com/article/7th-how-to-purchase-a-techauthority-subscription-aftermarket-646.html