Switching Multi Factor Authentication Options (MFA) - Aftermarket

If users want to switch their MFA (multi-factor-authentication) on their own the following steps must be followed:


  1. Login to wiTECH 2 with Okta user name and password
  2. Enter current authentication method (phone, yubiKey etc.)
    1. Note: If users no longer have access to the old phone/YubiKey they will have to contact wiTECH Support to Reset their MFA (multifactor authenticator)
  3. Once logged in, go to page https://fcawitech.okta.com/app/UserHome
  4. Navigate to Settings (top right corner under user name)
  5. Select Edit Profile
  6. Under Extra Verification you should have the option to select which verification you will like to setup.
    1. YubiKey – have the key inserted in the computer and follow the prompts that are asked on the screen
    2. Google Authenticator/Okta Verify have the phone you would like to setup in order to configure it